Sunday, September 14, 2008

Boon Kuan's house

Hello evryone,
I came back from Boon Kuan's house
And now I am gonna explain what happened.
Okay it started during tanglung night
Then since i dont have transport home*cough*
i followed arthur to boon kuan's house
But i had a really great time
during tanglung night
but there were a few cases which i injured myself.
Then again whatever happens to me,
who cares?
So anyways there I was following Bryan
to go see Kreeshvwar
and then we started to run.
Actually,I started to run.
This is a mighty good advice
I was running and runing and suddenly,
this root appears right in front of me.
I triped over it
And my skin tore off.
Upload the picture next time but
right now,
I need to sms my father's friend
So that I can get to update
Part 2 of Fraser's Hill.
And finally,
Hello and goodbye!!! or as the Spainish say it,
Hola y adios.

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